Overall Interview Process & What to Expect

👋 Initial Meet & Greet (30 min)

A coffee chat with our co-founder Neetish. We want to learn about the highlights of your experience and what you're looking for in your next role, and to tell you about what we're working on at Axel now and in the future.

☕ Past Experiences (30 min)

A coffee chat with our co-founder Sophia. We want to learn more about you, what excites you about Axel, your past experiences, and what environments bring out your best work.

🧑‍💻 Behavioral & Technical Assessment: Part 1 (2 hrs)

For the first half hour, you will chat with Marcus, our CTO, on your past technical experiences. Then, you’ll pair-program with Marcus individually on a language-agnostic technical exercise where you’ll build a system from the ground up, along with a programming philosophy chat. We want to learn how you think about solving hard problems and working with engineers.

<aside> ⚠️ Find your interview track below for information on how to prepare


🧩 Technical Assessment: Part 2 (45 min)

You’ll meet with Wayland, our Software Engineer, who will take you through our second technical assessment. This is mainly a whiteboard systems-design interview that covers architecture, customer empathy, thoughtful design decisions, and algorithmic efficiency.

<aside> ⚠️ Find your interview track below for information on how to prepare


🏠 Hang with Axel for the Day (1 day)